Terms if Want to Apply for Business Capital Credits at Bank. When you want to start a business, the first thing you might think about is how to get the money. The business capital can be obtained from personal savings, mortgaging goods or assets, to borrow funds in the bank. Borrowing funds in a bank can be an alternative solution to get the funds to build the desired business. Currently, the majority of banks are indeed facilitating loan funds for their customers. Some give a guarantee requirement, but some also provide funds without guarantee. However, apart from the guarantee or not, there are certainly requirements that must be met. This requirement is actually not to complicate the customer, but make sure if you are able to repay and repay the loan until the loan is complete. General requirements and must be fulfilled when you want to apply for a loan is a photocopy of ID card or identity card. This is required to complete the requirements in any form of submission, including borrowing funds at the bank.
This self identity must match the current residence address. If different, you must include a letter from the village office in your area. If you are married, need to include your ID and wife / husband so that later the bank knows if the submission is known both parties. If you are married, it is mandatory to include photocopies of marriage certificates that prove if the property belongs together. Of course this joint treasure must be known to both parties, namely husband and wife. This is because if there are problems associated with bank loan funds, later confirmation can run smoothly. Another requirement that needs to be completed is a photocopy of the family card (KK). This requirement is required by the bank to know how much burden or family members that become your dependents. With the photocopy of KK, the bank can estimate your ability to pay the monthly bills. If your family member is too many, the bank may be hesitant to lend the funds because you may be able to object when paying off the loan to the bank.