Credit Analyst Fundamentals to Approve or Decline. Requirements for administration of credit application must be fulfilled to make submission. After the file is complete, then the bank continues the credit application process to the next stage, which is analyzing the credit. Each bank may set different requirements for credit applications. For the sake of a smooth process, make sure you consult with the bank to find out what requirements need to be completed to apply for the credit. So far many people know about credit analysis is limited to checking BI Checking. Please note that BI Checking is only one part of the analysis based on Principle 5C: character (debtor candidate's character), capacity (potential borrower's ability to return), capital (collateral (collateral), and condition (economic condition) .
Character, this principle is seen in terms of personality of the debtor candidate. This can be seen from the results of interviews between customer service to prospective borrowers who want to apply for credit, regarding the background, life habits, lifestyle prospective borrowers, and others. The core of this character principle is to assess whether the prospective borrower is trustworthy in a partnership with the bank.
Banks usually use BI Checking to know the character of the debtor candidate. The process, credit history of prospective borrowers is sought to know by accessing the Debtor Information System (SID) of Bank Indonesia. All history of people who applied for credit are stored in this SID. So, if the prospective debtor ever delinquent, do not expect the credit application is approved. However, it does not mean that if you just first apply for credit, then approved by the bank. There are many other considerations that will determine.
Capacity, this principle assesses prospective borrowers for their ability to run finances, both as employees and employers. Is the prospective debtor had experienced financial problems before or not. That way, banks can know the ability of prospective borrowers in paying credit. To measure capacity, calculate and compare monthly income and expenses. Remember, if you want a credit application approved, keep the entire installment of the borrowed credit does not spend 30% of income each month.